McAfee Error with Faulty Antivirus Update

The Windows XP PCs were brought down all over the world due to a faulty antivirus update for which the McAfee is struggling hard to fix it before it cause more damage, however the condition is still dreadful in respect to the computer vendors.
The CTO of the security management system company Big Fix, Amrit Williams reported the USA Today that nothing will work in automating the affected computers as every process has been tried to fix it. it may take around weeks to process it as every single machine of the system would have to be individually tested and repaired as needed.
The problem occurred when the computers with Windows XP Service Pack 3 began to shut down in a minute of its starting up when the customers had downloaded the upgraded version of the McAfee antivirus. An undesirable affect has been witnessed on the micro blogging site Twitter.
However, only .5 % customer PCs were hit with the antivirus, but it affected largely over the small and the large business companies, also damaging the computers at the hospitals and other municipal services. However, some competitors are taking due advantage of it and rubbing the salt in the wounds.

McAfee Patch file Error

If you are one of those Windows XP users who has downloaded latest McAfee security patch file on 21st April 10, then you might face some trouble. However if you are working on Windows Vista or Windows 7, then you need not worry as this patch is working perfectly fine on these MS Operating Systems.
Following issues are faced after instating above patch files:
• Automatic system shutdown
• Slow Internet connection
• Poor Computer performance
Solution for Automatic system shutdown
Step 1: Open a command prompt: Start menu, Run, then type cmd and hit Enter
Step 2: Type shutdown -a, which will prevent the shutdown from occurring
Once Slow Internet connection
Step 1: Click Start, Programs, McAfee, and then VirusScan Console
Step 2: Right-click “Access Protection”
Step 3: Select “Disable”
Poor Computer performance
Step 1: Download EXTRA.ZIP, from the McAfee site and unzip to get EXTRA.DAT
Step 2: Click Start, Run, then type services.msc and click “OK”
Step 3: Right-click the McAfee McShield service and select “Stop”
Step 4: Copy EXTRA.DAT to “\Program Files\Common Files\McAfee\Engine”
Step 5: Then restart the McAfee McShield service by right-clicking on it and choosing “Start” from the context menu
Step 6: Re-enable access protection by going back to the VirusScan Console
Step 7: Right-click “Access Protection”
Step 8: Select “Enable”
Step 9: In the VirusScan Console, go to the Quarantine Manager Policy
Step 10: Click the Manager tab
Step 11: Right-click on each file in the Quarantine and choose “Restore”
Once you have completed all these steps, your computer will function as it was before. All that we have done is these steps is disabled the erroneous patch and enabled the correct patch.
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