Fraud Theft by Rouge Anti-Virus Software
Fraud theft has many faces – none of which are pretty – but perhaps the most insidious is that of Rouge Anti-Virus Software scams.
One of the newest virus threats online comes to your computer as a true “wolf wrapped in sheep’s clothing.” System Tool 2011, and other such malware, is being e-mailed to computers all over the world, causing damage and bilking its victims out of hundreds of dollars.
The Scam
Unless you work, live, and breathe for computers, you probably aren’t familiar with online theft information regarding the term “rogue” anti-virus software until you become a victim. This is not optimal way to learn about the deleterious effects it can have on your computer and bank accounts.
Rogue anti-virus software is spread over the Internet the same way other viruses are: in e-mail attachments, as a part of a shareware software bundle all with the help of a Trojan. (Trojans are software packets that sneak inside your hard drive hiding within another download, much the same way the actual warriors hid inside the horse.) One of the most successful, and most damaging, of these rogue anit-virus programs is System Tool (also known as systemtool and System Tool 2011).
Rogue anti-viruses have no affinity for malware, Trojan, or other harmful programs’ removal because they are in and of themselves malware. Their real and only purpose is theft fraud by capturing your credit card information under false pretenses. This qualifies rogue virus software as identity fraud theft scams at their finest.
Antivirus, the perfect Christmas gift: AFP
In a joint release with the Australian Bankers Association, the AFP said that given the number of computers in Australia, antivirus was a present which probably wouldn't go astray.
"With almost half of Australia's population being active internet users, a practical idea for a Christmas gift might be antivirus software for the household computer," it said.
The release then warned consumers to be watchful when buying presents online, investigating retailers before buying products from them and not showing information to online retailers they don't need.
"Cyber criminals and internet fraudsters don't take holidays and neither should internet shoppers' vigilance when it comes to online safety," the release said.
5 Steps to Clean Facebook Account
A malicious program that scalp name ‘McDonalds’ sprang up. If you are a victim then your Facebook account will distribute it to all contacts.
It is very annoying virus. Follow the given steps as presented Alfons Tanujaya, Vaksincom antivirus analysts
1. If you have already become victims and spread the Event Invitation to all your contacts, immediately inform all your contacts not to click the link provided let alone to approve the installation of the application.
2. Click the [Account] [Privacy Settings]. You will get “Choose Your Privacy Settings”
3. Choose [Edit your settings] from the menu “Applications and Websites” in the lower left corner to open the menu of “Choose Your Privacy Settings> Applications, Games and Websites”
4. Click [Remove unwanted or spammy applications] to open the screen “Applications, Games and Websites> Applications You Use” and click the X on the “Edit Settings”
5. You will get a confirmation screen, click the [Remove] to remove the program HD Video Player.
Preventing Wi-Fi hackers from getting info from your computer
Almost everyone has a computer, but if you haven't taken steps to secure it, you could be living in some serious Internet danger.
Did you know your wireless access signal on your home computer can extend beyond your house?
Alnori Frattarelli of Green Hills didn't.
Recent incidents underscore need for protecting against hit and run style WiFi attacks.
The technology sure makes your life easier but it's also giving cyber crooks a whole new way to hack into your private information.
"Everybody else, all my neighbors have their own wireless. Why in the world would they need to use mine," said Frattarelli. "Hackers and things like that, they didn't occur to me but in the back of my mind. It's sort of like going to work and leaving one door open. You knew it when you left home, but you felt like who is going to bother."
If the wireless signal to your router is not password protected, you are at risk.
"Computer security is a big issue not only for consumers, but for businesses," said Apolonio "Apps" Garcia, President of U.S. HealthGuard. "Everyday thousands and thousands of identities are stolen. Computers are hacked and its an on-going battle."
In a cybercrime survey of just over 7,000 Internet users in 14 countries, researchers found that 65 percent of Internet users worldwide have already been victims of wireless hacking.
"Anytime you have an open portal, any time you have the ability to get into a system remotely, that's another vulnerability," said Agent Rick Harlow with the U.S. Secret Service.
In the U.S., it's 73 percent, according to Symantic.
"In some cases you're going to find it even more unencripted wireless networks," said Garcia.
WiFi Security Risks for Home Users
- Hackers can use your unsecured WiFi home connection to send malicious e-mails, hacking into other sensitive networks is possible through your home WiFi
- Downloading of illegal content is possible through your home WiFi connection
- Forensic investigations into hacking incidents will lead to your doorstep while the actual perpetrators will remain untraceable
- Your personal data (for example, bank accounts) can be hacked
- Other misuses are also possible while you pay for the hacker's use of Internet access.
Garcia and his team put Frattarelli's computer safety to the test. After five minutes in her neighborhood, Garcia and his team got a ton of access into what you would think is private information.
"There are about 15 different networks that I see from where we're sitting right here and that is without any special equipment," said Nate Hausrath with HealthGuard.
Of the 15 networks, five were open.
"Right now I see several different wireless networks," said Hausrath. "I can pick one of them, tell my computer to listen to that one specifically, and we can see everything that occurs on that network."
Hausrath's software can sniff and analyze information being sent between Frattarelli's computer and her router/modem. Eventually he could crack several usernames and passwords to some vital information.
"Banking transaction, it could be logging into Facebook and Twitter and we can use that information however we choose," said Hausrath.
Believe it or not, it's easy to do.
"This is a program you can download for free over the Internet. Its an open source program. You can run it on just about any type of machine," said Hausrath.
Identity theft shouldn't be the only thing you're worried about.
In Florence, police raided Gary Thomas' home for child porn, and in that case, several years ago, Thomas was actually using his neighbors Wi-Fi signal to run an international child porn ring.
"I live with that everyday knowing that it doesn't have a password," said Frattarelli. "And hopefully no one will attempt to do anything."
Here are some tips to keep yourself protected.
• 1 Use a router for any internet connection (other than dialup). Be sure to keep updated the firmware on your router to the latest from the manufacturer. A router uses something called NAT (Network Address Translation) that works fairly similar to a firewall - however this is more like a firewall. NAT in most cases will not allow ports to be scanned & forwarded behind it. Also, the router will be your external IP address leaving your computer on an internal IP address. If ports on your router are not forwarded to your internal IP addresses (usually 192.168.*.* type of address) then a hacker on the internet will have a lot of difficulty scanning your computer. They will merely scan a router which in most cases is rather "stupid" and very hard to attack.
• 2 Keep your operating system updated. For Windows, Mac, Linux, and Unix users, always install the latest updates.
• 3 A soft firewall is always recommended. This would be considered a firewall on the system you use. This is where you computer is basically asking you permission to install certain pieces of software along with asking if you want to allow certain connections on your computer. Again, a router will help you avoid a ton of mischief from hackers. This is more or less fail safe.
4 Make all of your passwords HARD, with letters, numbers and symbols. Make them at least 20 characters long. Do not include the names of your kids, dogs. Never make them just common words. A good example would be: MrTsayshackersarefools33@3
5 If you run a wireless network, always use WPA or WPA2 security. Again, make your password at least 20 characters including letters, numbers, and symbols. DO NOT SKIMP on wifi passwords.
6 Install a good virus scanner and spyware scanner if running any type of Windows. It is also wise to install virus and spyware scanners on Macs. Linux and Unix systems typically do not get spyware or viruses. Remember, a virus/spyware scanner will do you NO good if you do not update it frequently. Viruses and spyware are literally released daily.
7 Using web access email is always the safest. Free email accounts such as Yahoo, Gmail, or Hotmail always keep high levels of security on their sites. Also, always be very weary of any email you get that tells you to click links (Paypal for example). Hackers can make very good copies of websites like Paypal (including logos & design) and spam you. You click thinking you are at Paypal, put in your user name and password, and the hacker then has your user name & password. If you get an email from sources like your bank account, Paypal, Ebay etc., open a clean browser go directly to the site, and log in.
8 Do not keep entire hard drives open to sharing especially on networks that have several people. If its a simple home network where everybody is trusted, it's great to just have a folder available to share just in case you are compromised from the outside.
Following these steps will keep your computer and network safe and incredibly less vulnerable to hackers.
McAfee Antivirus Plus 2011
McAfee Antivirus Plus instantly detects and removes viruses and has been reengineered for the fastest PC performance ever before. The innovative design simplifies your security experience.
Essential, award-winning PC protection for carefree computing
McAfee Antivirus Plus instantly detects and blocks viruses–and stops other web threats before they are downloaded to your PC. Reengineered to be faster than before, the product’s innovative design simplifies security experience while providing you essential protection.
2011 Features and Highlights
Award-winning anti-virus, firewall, spyware, and online protection
Exclusive McAfee Active Protection technology
McAfee Active Protection scans and blocks new and emerging threats in milliseconds, so you don’t have to wait for regular updates to arrive. The result: virtually no gap in your protection.
Detects, blocks, and removes viruses, spyware, adware, Trojans, insidious programs designed to tamper with your PC.
(Improved) Two-way firewall
Enterprise-grade firewall blocks outsiders from hacking into your PC.
Easier to use
McAfee AntiVirus Plus 2011 is all about ease of use. The completely redesigned home screen gives you all the information you need at a glance.
The Best Antivirus Software for 2011 (So Far)
Symantec and Trend Micro have yet to weigh in, but there are already some powerful premium AV options available.
The summer of 2010 isn't even over yet, but the 2011 antivirus utilities are pouring in already. Significant players are still waiting in the wings, it's true. Norton's 2011 product releases are imminent, as are Trend Micro's. Spyware Doctor and others won't be far behind. But quite a few of 2011's antivirus apps, both commercial and free, have already sprung up. Among others, Bit Defender Antivirus Pro 2011, Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2011, and Panda Antivirus Pro 2011 and Webroot AntiVirus with Spy Sweeper 2011 are all available and have already been through my testing. If you're looking to buy antivirus, today, the results show that there are already some solid choices available.
Antivirus means a utility that protects against all kinds of malicious software, not just viruses. Trojans, spyware, rootkits, keyloggers, adware, scareware—a proper antivirus must handle all of these.
Panda Antivirus Pro 2011 includes a fully-functional personal firewall and can monitor other Panda installations on your network. BitDefender Antivirus Pro 2011 provides full remote management across the network as well as a top-notch antiphishing module. BitDefender and Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2011 both scan for security vulnerabilities, though BitDefender takes the concept a bit farther.
Ad-Aware appeals to both with a choice of simple or advanced mode. BitDefender goes even further. Not only can its users choose basic, intermediate or expert view, they can build a personal collection of their most-used tools.
Webroot AntiVirus with Spy Sweeper 2011 totally focuses on keeping everything as simple as possible. It updates automatically, scans while the system is idle, and interacts with the user through a completely redesigned interface. All the detail a tech-savvy user might want is available, but it's hidden when not needed.
Trend Micro Helps Extend Life of IT Systems
Dubai, United Arab Emirates - Trend Micro is helping enterprises extend the life of out-of-support systems so they can migrate off Windows 2000 Professional, Windows 2000 Server and Windows XP Service Pack 2 at their own speed. Although systems with older operating systems may be no longer supported, many enterprises have not yet been able to upgrade to newer versions and are, as a result, unfortunately increasing the attack surface of their organizations.
While Microsoft announced that after July 13, 2010 it will no longer provide support, issue bug fixes, patch releases, or provide workarounds for its Windows 2000 and XP SP2 family of operating systems, many enterprises have not yet been able to upgrade to newer versions leaving them susceptible to new malware and other cybercriminal exploits that target these operating systems. Trend Micro™ Deep Security, the company's flagship solution for virtual patching, and Trend Micro™ OfficeScan™ products with Intrusion Defense Firewall can help protect organizations still using outdated Windows 2000 and XP SP2 against vulnerabilities until they can move to newer platforms.
Migration to a newer operating system version on deadline is simply too difficult, and organizations need an immediate, cost-effective stop-gap 'virtual patching' solution to maintain their security posture. With support for Windows 2000 and XP SP2 ending July 2010, Trend Micro's virtual patching solutions will help enterprises ensure a level of protection for these and other unsupported systems," said Harish Agastya, director of product marketing, Datacenter Security, Trend Micro.
Trend Micro's virtual patching technologies, found in Deep Security, and OfficeScan with Intrusion Defense Firewall, can protect vulnerabilities in critical systems. They permit customers to deploy patches on a more scheduled basis, thereby reducing system exposure and frustration associated with patch management.
Trend Micro Deep Security with virtual patching helps reduce system exposure for servers and endpoints running Windows 2000 and XP SP2 through:
Intrusion Detection and Prevention
Enterprise-grade, bidirectional, and stateful firewall
Recommendation scanning
Security updates from a dedicated team of security experts
Protection across physical virtualized and cloud deployments
Trend Micro OfficeScan with Intrusion Defense Firewall protects Windows 2000 and XP
McAfee & Facebook Announce Collaboration
Facebook and McAfee are also working towards creating a custom scanning and repair tool which will be made available as free download or might be sold at discounted prices to Facebook users.
The interesting facet of the partnership is that Facebook will be using the financial accruals from this partnership to bring more benefits to its users. They will not be taking any share of revenues from McAfee. McAfee users can buy the products after expiry of the six month trial period. McAfee will be buying advertising from Facebook.
Social networking sites have always been targeted by hackers. Presently the scanning tool using English language is available in eight countries to Facebook users. Other languages are under development.
McAfee Signs OEM Deal to Secure USB Devices
The antivirus giant has signed OEM partnerships with companies like Kingston Digital Inc, MXI, Rocky Mountain Ram, SanDisk, SPYRUS, Hagiwara, and Yoggie Security Systems, which have secure USB devices in their portfolio. The deals involve McAfee preloading an anti-virus solution onto the devices.
According to McAfee, when a secure USB drive running its anti-malware software gets plugged into a PC, the built-in software will automatically scan the PC for malware. If any threat is found, the software will block any file transfers to the USB device.
McAfee said it now has deals with two-thirds of the world's secured USB manufacturers -- Hagiwara, Kingston Digital Inc, MXI Security, Rocky Mountain Ram, SanDisk, SPYRUS and Yoggie Security Systems -- to install the malware scanning and blocking software on their secure USB devices. Presumably, those manufacturers will also ensure that their own USB devices start off malware-free, unlike promotional malware-infected USB drives shipped by IBM to security conference-goers earlier this year.
Some of McAfee's secure USB relationships predate this announcement, and also hint at all of the levels of security required to actually secure USB drives, both in terms of keeping unwanted malware out and sensitive information in.
For example, MXI Security said that since 2008, it has been using McAfee's encrypted hard disk and biometric software on its secure USB keys. Currently, it said, its drives also work with McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator, a centralized security management console that allows IT managers to set, enforce and monitor security policies for USB devices, including banning unauthorized devices.
How to Uninstall Antivirus 7
Antivirus 7 is a fake rogue security application that can be installed through the use of a Trojan horse parasite. Usually Trojans that install programs such as Antivirus 7 come from other malicious applications that are downloaded from P2P networks or warezprogram pirating web sites.
What Antivirus 7 do?
After the installation of Antivirus 7, a computer user is prompted with virtually endless amounts of popup alerts that falsely warn them of parasite infections. This software will also attempt to scan the system that it is installed on to reveal several fabricated parasite results. These tactics are carried out as part of a scare tactic to force users into purchasing the full Antivirus 7 application.
Removal of Antivirus 7
Getting rid of a software application like this may require an expert computer user if performed manually. Manual removal of Antivirus 7 can be performed but it could put the system at risk of deleting an essential system file needed for Windows to load. Removing registry entries associated with a harmful application can also seriously affect the way the system operates and could render certain functions useless if the wrong entry is deleted.
How to Delete Spyware from Registry
If you have ever downloaded information off of the internet regardless of whether you know it or not, your computer could have adware, malware or spyware programs spooled in the background.They are usually transported via free screensavers, free internet games or in some cases just by visiting a website.
1. Is your PC running slower than it used to?
2. Do you use the Internet?
3. Do you get assaulted by annoying pop-up ads?
Delete Spyware From Registry:
Active running processes like the antivirus with several values, the Office shortcuts bar, Messenger and startup programs set values in these registry keys. Erase any traces of the previous uninstalled or deleted programs. Secure delete sensitive information. Clean junk files and activity traces. Scan identify and correct registry malfunctions. Manage programs that start at boot. A free trial adware remover that will remove unwanted toolbars and delete spyware. It will find and kill spyware before the spyware tries to start up. It will fight it in the roots and remove the registry entries associated with it.
Controller-Free Xbox “Kinect”
One of the games among them will be a white water rafting simulation. It turns out that game will actually be part of a suite of games called Kinect Adventures. That package will include bowling, boxing, track and field, volleyball, table tennis and soccer/football.
A separate game called Joyride will be a bit like Nintendo’s Mario Kart or Sony’s ModNation Racers, but you’ll control your car by holding an imaginary steering wheel that you’ll push forward or pull away to control the throttle. No casual gaming lineup would be complete without pets, so Microsoft will also launch a game called Kinectimals, in which you’ll be able to play with or train 20 kinds of cats using motion controls.
Finally, MTV Games is working on a dance competition title called Dance Central, and franchise games featuring characters and settings from Disney and Star Wars movies are set for launch as well.
Stay tuned for pricing and exact release date — both will probably be revealed this week at the E3 games conference in Los Angeles.
As a side note, we’ll mention that an Italian video ad featuring the Kinect brand also mentions a new, slimmer version of the Xbox 360 console itself. That hasn’t been announced officially, but it seems likely since the leaked ad called the Kinect name too.
Remove spyware with Webroot Antivirus 2010
Millions of people use Internet every day to shop, bank, make travel arrangements, download music and movies, and connect with friends and family. Cyber criminals make use of this information to target your family with threats like viruses, spyware, and many more.
Computer without anti-spyware protection are more vulnerable to identity threats, credit card threats, and other personal information being used by hackers. Spywares can also lead to annoying pop ups, slowing down of your computer and even sometimes crashes your system.
There are some sites that offer spyware removal online book that provide the user with necessary information regarding necessary tools and resources that can help them to fight spyware. These sites work with a goal to provide the user with ultimate anti-spyware technology to get rid of spyware in a safe manner. Even Microsoft has rebranded Giant Company’s Antispyware program and has distributed the Microsoft Windows Defender program for users of Windows 2000, XP and later.
Webroot’s anti-virus is one of the leading anti-virus programs to offer protection against viruses. To ensure that the users have the advanced protection it combines features that give you powerful protection against viruses, spywares, key loggers, rootkits, and other online threats.
It not only provide protection against anti-virus but also acts as a spyware removal tool. It has been proved that it finds and remove more spies than any other antispyware technology. It is efficient and gives 360 degree of protection as it blocks, detects and remove virus threats.
Webroot Anti-virus 2010 offer several enhanced features. It provides advanced technologies that offer complete protection. It’s multi-layered security system protects against a wide range of security threats which include virus, spywares, adware, worms, pop-ups, Trojans, key loggers and rootkits. And if your PC is already endemic, its advanced discovery will detect and remove malicious programs.
Webroot Antivirus with Antispyware protect your privacy by blocking programs which can gather your private information such as logins, passwords and credit card information without hampering your efficiency.
McAfee Error with Faulty Antivirus Update
The CTO of the security management system company Big Fix, Amrit Williams reported the USA Today that nothing will work in automating the affected computers as every process has been tried to fix it. it may take around weeks to process it as every single machine of the system would have to be individually tested and repaired as needed.
The problem occurred when the computers with Windows XP Service Pack 3 began to shut down in a minute of its starting up when the customers had downloaded the upgraded version of the McAfee antivirus. An undesirable affect has been witnessed on the micro blogging site Twitter.
However, only .5 % customer PCs were hit with the antivirus, but it affected largely over the small and the large business companies, also damaging the computers at the hospitals and other municipal services. However, some competitors are taking due advantage of it and rubbing the salt in the wounds.
McAfee Patch file Error
If you are one of those Windows XP users who has downloaded latest McAfee security patch file on 21st April 10, then you might face some trouble. However if you are working on Windows Vista or Windows 7, then you need not worry as this patch is working perfectly fine on these MS Operating Systems.
Following issues are faced after instating above patch files:
• Automatic system shutdown
• Slow Internet connection
• Poor Computer performance
Solution for Automatic system shutdown
Step 1: Open a command prompt: Start menu, Run, then type cmd and hit Enter
Step 2: Type shutdown -a, which will prevent the shutdown from occurring
Once Slow Internet connection
Step 1: Click Start, Programs, McAfee, and then VirusScan Console
Step 2: Right-click “Access Protection”
Step 3: Select “Disable”
Poor Computer performance
Step 1: Download EXTRA.ZIP, from the McAfee site and unzip to get EXTRA.DAT
Step 2: Click Start, Run, then type services.msc and click “OK”
Step 3: Right-click the McAfee McShield service and select “Stop”
Step 4: Copy EXTRA.DAT to “\Program Files\Common Files\McAfee\Engine”
Step 5: Then restart the McAfee McShield service by right-clicking on it and choosing “Start” from the context menu
Step 6: Re-enable access protection by going back to the VirusScan Console
Step 7: Right-click “Access Protection”
Step 8: Select “Enable”
Step 9: In the VirusScan Console, go to the Quarantine Manager Policy
Step 10: Click the Manager tab
Step 11: Right-click on each file in the Quarantine and choose “Restore”
Once you have completed all these steps, your computer will function as it was before. All that we have done is these steps is disabled the erroneous patch and enabled the correct patch.
Best Top 10 Antivirus Software Program
Today users always get confused in selecting the top antivirus along with several options available in the market. While choosing the best antivirus software program for your PC, you should do antivirus comparison analyze according to your requirements and after that look for the features that suit you.
With the availability of a variety of antivirus brands, it is very difficult to choose the best antivirus software for your PC. Although most of them look similar, there are major differences in their features. The most important issue which every user should consider while making a option is usability and compatibility with his PC and operating system.
Here is the list of top 10 antivirus programs along with their brief features:
Kaspersky Antivirus: It is one of the most trusted antivirus programs that provides the vital protection you need to guard your PC against Internet threats. Kaspersky not only protects against viruses, spyware, Trojans, rootkits, but also detects application vulnerabilities, scans websites for malicious software and offers a line of defense against phishing and identity theft.
NOD 32 Antivirus: It is an effectual and easy-to-use antivirus program that provides real-time protection against worms, Trojans, malware, phishing, and hackers. It not only stops the viruses to enter your computer, but prevents malware from degrading the performance of your PC.
Bitdefender Antivirus: It provides better protection by preventing your PC against viruses, spyware and phishing attacks. It scans e-mail and instant messaging traffic in real time and blocks spyware programs that track your online activities.
AVG Antivirus: It offers numerous enhanced features. Apart from preventing the stretch of viruses on your PC, it also checks your system for malicious content. It has Web Shield that allows you to download and exchange files preventing your computer against the risk of virus infections.
McAfee Antivirus: McAfee PC security and virus scan offers upbeat PC security that help prevent malicious attacks, search and download files without any threat from virus infections. It detects, blocks, and removes viruses, spywares and adware from your PC and warns you before accessing dangerous scam websites that try to steal your personal information.
Avast Antivirus: It offers full virus protection. It will let you safely browse through the Internet, block hacker attacks to protect your identity, and keep your mailbox free from spam. Daily automatic updates ensure complete data protection against all types of malware and spyware.
Norton Antivirus: This software offers effective protection against wide-ranging security threats to protect your PC. Incorporated with advanced features, it provides instant messaging scanning, script blocking and POP3 and SMTP e-mail protection.
Trend Micro Antivirus: It provides vital security you need to safeguard your critical data. Powered by PC-cillin Internet security engine, it protects your PC from unpredicted intrusions.
Panda Antivirus: This software provides one of the most intrusive protections against viruses, spyware, rootkits, hackers, online frauds, and identity theft.
F-Secure Antivirus: It thoroughly scans your PC and its built-in anti-spyware scanner provides enhanced protection against virus and spyware intrusions.
Install antivirus software on Windows XP?
Basic Steps To Install Antivirus Program
Download Antivirus:- Download the antivirus program of your choice. Save the installation setup on your desktop.
Start Setup:- Double-click on the setup file on the desktop.
Begin Installation:- Click on “Next” followed by “Yes” to begin the installation process.
Follow Instruction:- Follow the onscreen instructions and wait for the installation process to complete. This may take several minutes depending upon the speed of your Windows XP PC.
Click Finish:- Click on “Finish” to complete and exit the installation process.
Update:- Right-click on the antivirus icon on the bottom right of your desktop screen. Select “Update” to update antivirus program. You should repeat the procedure once a week.
Most Suitable way for Virus Removal
Keeping viruses away from your computer is essential if you want to keep it working efficiently and avoid freeze and crashes. Virus removal is not a very complicated job to perform that occupies a lot of time, but there are few things you have to make sure. It is very essential for you to remove your computer from any network whenever you suspect a virus in your computer. Follow some basic instructions given below in order to remove virus from your computer manually.
- Scan your computer through the antivirus software.
- If you don’t have any antivirus software on your computer then download it from any source available online. There are many antivirus software available, such as AVG, McAfee, Norton etc.
- To install the antivirus, go through readme file available with the software. Follow the instructions in given in the readme file.
- After the completion of installation process of antivirus, keep on scanning your computer through antivirus until it removes all the viruses from your computer.
- To download the latest updates available for antivirus, connect your computer to the Internet.
- After completely updating the antivirus software, run it again to remove the virus from your computer.
There are many companies, which provide Antivirus Software. Every antivirus has its own special features and characteristics. Your choice for antivirus software depends upon the features you expect from antivirus software.
It is not possible for anyone to protect his computer from virus, spyware and malware through any single antivirus because there are some viruses, which are not detectible by antivirus software. So, I strongly recommend you to go for some technical support firms. These technical support firms assist you remotely via telephone and chat. Their Microsoft Certified technical specialist will remove all the viruses from your computer very fluently. Enjoy hassle-free unlimited technical support 24/7/365.
Upgrade Antivirus To Avoid Hasty Virus Attacks
Antivirus security program plays a very vital role in system authentication and protection. It safeguards the computer system against all kinds of rouge application codes, such as virus, adware and malwares. An antivirus security program provides protection against following issues-
· Slow performance of PC-Virus attack causes malfunctioning of various windows registry files, which in turn slows down the performance of system to large extent.
· System freeze and halt-Virus causes sudden freezing and halting of system screen which affects the working efficiency of system.
· System crash-If not scanned at right time, it can cause system failure or blue screen of death to extreme case.
· Hardware failure- Due to malfunctioning of software applications, memory load increases, which causes hardware disabilities, such as corruption of RAM.
If you find yourself uncomfortable with procedure to upgrade antivirus software, simply follow the steps mentioned below-
Upgrade Antivirus Software on Windows O.S.
STEP 1-To manually update antivirus security software, open your Internet browser and navigate to initial page of company that produced your antivirus security software.
STEP 2-Look for “Downloads” option and click on particular link.
STEP 3-Look for updated version of antivirus security program and download it. After that, run the setup of antivirus software.
STEP 4- Remove the antivirus security software that is previously installed on your system through control panel.
Visit to site of particular antivirus security software program that you are using at present and look for option of upgrade to higher version. Alternatively, you can also remove current antivirus software using control panel and install another antivirus program through search engine.
I strongly recommend you to have a certified technical support to upgrade antivirus security program from lower version to higher. Certified technical support provides quality security measures to make system free from all nasty threats.
Install Antivirus To Safeguard PC
Antivirus security software shields your PC against nasty application codes, such as virus spywares, adware and malwares. It safeguards your system from phishing websites. In order to maintain persistent and smooth performance of your PC, a proper antivirus software must be installed. Antivirus provides total protection to system from all sorts of threat. Some of the remarkable features of antivirus security software are-
- Virus Protection: Automatically detects repairs and removes virus, Trojans, rootkits and explicit program code designed to tamper with your PC.
- Rapid Scan: Quick scan throws out virus and threats in the most commonly infected areas of PC. Scanning just takes few minutes to detect and repair threat.
- Website Safety Ratings: Makes you assure about authentication of website regarding online scam, spam and adware’s.
- Protection against Identity Theft: Allows you to bank, shop, trade online smoothly and efficiently by asking permission before confidential information like PIN, bank accounts and security numbers are sent from your PC.
- Automatic Data Backup: Copy all files and folders to CD’s, DVD’s, USB and external drives.
- Browser Security: Browse millions of website simultaneously without worrying about any security hazard, cookie spying and annoying popups. Be safe and secure with browser while you surf.
If you feel difficulty with installation of antivirus security program at your system, simply follow the steps mentioned below-
Install Antivirus Software on Windows O.S.
STEP 1- Purchase a bootable CD of Antivirus security software from nearest retailer. Example, McAfee Antivirus.
STEP 2- Insert Antivirus CD in CD drive and “Run” the setup.
STEP 3- Read all the license term and conditions thoroughly and click on “I accept” to agree.
STEP 4- Wait for some time till the installation processing completes and finally click on “Finish” option to complete the installation procedure.
Download and install particular antivirus security program that you need using search engine. After installing antivirus on your PC, perform complete scanning of your system to repair virus and threat.
I strongly recommend you to have a certified technical support to install antivirus security software on your system. Installing antivirus through search engine creates probability of severe virus attacks on system so, it is better to get it installed by certified professionals.
Effects of Virus
There are different types of virus threat that might be detected easily, but there are viruses that are hidden in form of files. This makes the users unaware that their computer has been affected by viruses.
Some of the common types of virus are-
• Boot sector viruses: This virus badly affects removal disks, diskettes and hard drive.Virus affects the Mater Boot Record present in floppy disk and inserting it causes severe infection to your Desktop PC. Inserting of infected floppy into hard drive causes infection to system as well.
• Program viruses: This type of virus is referred as extensions of .BIN, .COM, .EXE, .OLV,.DRV. Opening of program file containing virus, activates the affect of virus infection. Activation of program virus causes reduplication of virus and infection to other programs atsystem.
• Multipartite viruses: This virus infects the program files and boot records once the program is activated. As soon as you boot your system, all the local drives and application programs will be infected causing system breakdown.
• Stealth viruses: It is not easily detected by any antivirus security software. The virus hides in a very unique manner, such as hiding himself in memory or modifying its file size.
• Polymorphic viruses: It has a capability of changing virus signature that is known as binary pattern. Known for its multiplying and hiding capability, it is not easily detected by any antivirus security program.
The hazardous affects of computer virus are mentioned below-
1. It causes slow working of system.
2. The probability of freezing and halting of desktop screen increase.
3. It often restarts itself.
4. It displays some uncommon error messages, dialog boxes and distorted menu.
5. Improper working of application programs and incorrect document printing.
To prevent unnecessary virus attack at your system, install antivirus security software, such as McAfee Premium or AVG free version.
Online Mcafee Antivirus Support Software
Get unlimited support for all McAfee products and software with the assistance of expert technicians at iYogi and ensure the health and security of your PC from all kinds of viruses and online security threats.
Call iYogi at our toll free phone number and get connected to our tech experts for comprehensive McAfee support. We are available 24/7 all around the year.
Our Microsoft Certified technicians will take your calls 24/7/365 and ensure that all aspects of McAfee support are met and executed with absolute precision and accuracy. We have wide scope of services for McAfee products and software for the most effective protection of your PC from viruses, malware and other malicious programs including online and networking threats.
Call now at our toll free phone number for yearlong McAfee support. We are available anytime, anywhere.
Here’s what you get with our award winning service:
• Get comprehensive McAfee support at a nominal price of $139.99 per year, and ensure your PC’s health and security.
• Our services are remotely enabled through the Internet or over a phone call.
• Our tech experts are available 24/7/ 365 anytime, anywhere.
• Our highly skilled Microsoft Certified technicians have been selected from the best in the industry to provide the best services.
• iYogi’s customer satisfaction is not only the highest at 95% but also award winning.
Scope of Service
Under our unlimited McAfee support plan, you will also be entitled to our other services which include:
• Diagnostic & repair of your hardware issues.
• Troubleshoot software errors.
• Update drivers and security to protect against online threats.
• Connect to the Internet, devices and peripherals.
• Optimize your PC’s speed and performance.
At iYogi, we support all McAfee products and software, including McAfee Antivirus Plus, McAfee Internet Security, McAfee Firewall, McAfee Online Backup, McAfee Family Protection, VirusScan, VirusScan Professional, McAfee Total Protection, McAfee QuickClean, McAfee Utilities, and much more.
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